March/April 2024 NL

  • SKU: March/April 2024 NL
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  • Calving Season The author, new to farm life, couldn’t grasp what had just emerged after a calf was born. The sight froze her, until her husband yelled for help. Essay and photographs by Nicole Louden
  • OMAHA STRONGMEN Chapter 1: The Cowboy Mayor Twenty-year Omaha Mayor “Texas Jim” Dahlman earned his reputation for fearlessness, and the respect of a crime boss, by hunting lost cattle in a Sandhills blizzard. By Ron L. Jackson, Jr.
  • Chapter 2: The Old Gray Wolf Crime boss Tom Dennison ruled for decades through terror and cunning, and James Dahlman was his hand-picked mayor. By Ron Soodalter
  • River Dance Sandhill cranes make a balletic show while pair bonding, entwining their long necks and calling to one another. By Tom Hess
ON OUR COVER The Platte River is the stage on which sandhill cranes dance with their lifelong mates for all the world to see. Photography by Rick Rasmussen